Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sheepish Grin...

"Hi, nice to meet you! I'm a blogger!" ...Sounds like one of those phrases you would say at a meet and greet type event right before you plead, "Will you PLEASE be my friend???" I always thought people who had blogs had no life. I envisioned them spending whole days alone in their apartments wearing Star Wars pajamas. They would play with their dog, drink a cup of coffee, watch the latest episode of "Lost" and then run to blog about it. Psssh! What kind of person does that? ...Well... me... But I don't watch lost, I watch "The Office"!

No, I'm totally kidding. I started this whole "blogging" thing because I feel like God has been pulling me to make His voice heard. Recently I have felt like there are so many things that I have wanted to say and so many things He's taught me that I want people to know. God has given me a unique gift of writing. Now I'm no flowery writer, that's for sure. My English teachers have told me on more than one occasion that my writing style is less than satisfactory where grammar is concerned. So if you read this and are planning on a career in college writing... my apologies. I've written impromptu notes on Facebook and people seemed to like them, so I figure that blogging is a way for more frequent Facebook note writing. Only now I have an excuse to write my thoughts-- I'm a blogger! :)

  I tried to think of a cool snazzy title, but I have little to no talent in that category. But I did decide on the title "Flowers of the Field". This is from the worship song "Make a Joyful Noise to the Lord". You know... "The flowers of the field are crying to be heard! The trees of the forest are singing! And all of the mountains with one voice are joining the chorus of this world!" Follow me now? Good, I hope so!

So anyway, I guess my main point is this: I'm just a little high school senior trying to be a light for Jesus in this crazy world. People need to see God's everlasting love, and I believe that He's put me here to do that very thing. I may not have it all together or know exactly what the next step is, but He's my God-- my Daddy, my Savior, my best friend-- and we're in this together! So whoever reads this... if you get nothing else from this blog, be sure and get this: God is Love, He Loves you, so let's live like it! Think about such things. :)

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